I started reading research articles about the benefits of breast milk while breastfeeding my son almost 18 months ago. I was blown away by all of the many health benefits that I uncovered. My son refused to sleep anywhere besides my arms so that meant I was stuck on the couch for hours at a time.
I was a new mom and scared to death watching this fragile little baby boy grow. One day I decided to look up some of the benefits of breast milk. I discovered so many health benefits that I decided that I would just breastfeed him until he wanted to stop on his own.
There was no way I wanted to cut my child short on the myriad of health benefits that this precious liquid holds.
The most amazing property that I discovered about breast milk is stem cells. These cells are amazing and offer a multitude of health benefits. One article I read claimed that if your child is in a car wreck and is damaged, but can manage to still drink breast milk, then the stem cells in the breast milk could heal their body from the damage.
When I read that I was in shock and from that day on I have tried to spread the news about the importance of breastfeeding to everyone I come into contact with.
If you think about how many children are diagnosed with autism and other disorders, it really becomes sad because most of these children were not breastfed at all. Some of them might have been breastfed some, but not for 6-8 years.
Six to eight years is really how long a child should be breastfed. This is how long most gorillas breastfeed their young. I think in order for a child to heal, they need to be breastfed for 6-8 years. Mammals should be breastfed for 1/10 of their life.
In order to educate the public and promote breastfeeding, I started a youtube channel. I do educational videos about breastfeeding, gardening, and raw vegan nutrition. Most of my viewers seem to be men, but hey, I will educate them too. They will play a very pivotal role in how long their partner breastfeeds.
Check out my videos on youtube under Rain Florencehttp://youtu.be/2Q5wUgvMDm4
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