Here is a bit of history that you may have missed in your studies. In the late 1800's there were many people who were nearly vegan. At that time the infant death rate in the US was 64% (scary). Viral diseases were rampant. The US government decided that processing grain was the only way to fix this problem. Grain was basically turned into starch. And it worked, infant deaths declined and diseases started to go away.
The next mission was to increase meat consumption. This was brought about shortly after WW2 and interestingly went right along with the vaccine revolution.
Amino acid imbalances cause humans to be vulnerable to viruses. Correct these imbalances and virus go away. By reducing blood viral load, you also decrease the chances of getting bacterial and fungal diseases.
Grain, nuts and seeds are extremely high in Arginine (an essential amino acid). Studies in Africa have shown that an imbalance between Arginine and Lysine are linked to Kwashiorkor Disiease.
So, my point is that too much Arginine and too little Lysine can create a disease condition. Easy to fix. Simply remove all grains nuts and seeds (which are not really vegan anyways).
Secondly, high phytic acid content in grains, nuts and seeds cause depletion of phosphorous and result in tooth decay and arthritic conditions. Interestingly, the increase in meat consumption also led to a decrease in dental problems which was mistakenly associated with brushing your teeth (a very damaging practice.
So, get rid of grains nuts and seeds and eliminate human disease. This has been known as far back as the time of Buddha.
The only truly "vegan": diet is a diet of wild figs. I am not vegan at this time and neither are you and your followers.
Figs the most abundant land source of calories on the planet. Figs have a perfect amino acid, vitamin and mineral profile. The answer has been known for over 12,000 years. Humans need to return to 100% fig diet.
I am not quoting science because I think you have the skills to look this stuff up ;)